Join James for an evening of pure nostalgia, stepping back in time for some joyous singalong tunes to take you back to your Primary School days.
You won’t have to sit cross legged on the school hall floor, but you will be encouraged to sing along! As well as the assembly bangers, there will be other musical surprises, throwback mashups and comic reflections on growing up in the 90s.
James is a singing teacher and regularly performs across the UK and Europe. He has been featured on BBC Breakfast, Loose Women (ITV) and Vanessa Feltz show (TalkTV). He recently featured live on Jeremy Vine’s BBC Radio 2 show and BBC South East Today. His online videos have been written about in The Independent, Buzzfeed and featured in a number of podcasts. Radio appearances include: BBC Radio 2 with Scott Mills, BBC Radio Kent, BBC 5 Live, BBC Radio Nottingham, BBC Radio Leicester, BBC Radio Lancashire, Absolute Radio and JackFM.
What a genius idea! Such a happy night of nostalgic singing my heart out!! Should be a stadium tour… the world would be better if everyone went
Seetickets review
You might think that singing along to primary school assembly songs would be naff. I sure did until I tried it. Boy was I wrong - I haven't had quite so much fun in years!
Seetickets review
Just Added - School Dinner for £12.50 per person!
To make the most of this wonderful reminiscent evening we have opened up the opportunity for a nostalgic pre-show School Dinner.
Served between 18:15 and 18:45, you can enjoy;
Bangers, mash and peas served with onion gravy (pork or veggie options)
And finish with the classic apple crumble & custard
Please note this offer is limited to only 30 spaces.
If you have already secured your tickets for this event please call us on 01962 398046 to add your dinner options to your booking.
Event: Saturday 17 February, 19:30pm
Bar open: 6:30pm
Ticket: £14 advance / £16 on the door